Tuesday, January 01, 2008


What did you do today?

I went to work, yah, I go work on public holiday. Don't get me wrong, I won't get an extra pay for that. It just my desire to work when no one around in the office; stress-free, therefore I've been taking so many leaves. I need to clear some works.

Talk about New Year's Eve celebration, I didn't go anywhere. I was at home watching TV the whole day. At sharp midnight, fireworks were everywhere that I could see my house. There was one at MidValley. Here some video captured in mobile phone.

Yesterday, I’ve attended a wedding luncheon at Club Selangor Shah Alam. It was my not-so-familiar-ex-collegemate who got married to Malay lady. He is Chinese. The couple met in UK during their study. Pictures!

Next will be my cat that was sleeping at the sofa.

I do collect some toys and I bought myself a huge version of Bearbrick of Jwyed 400% which is 12-inch tall as my 1st HUGE toy in the collection. Then I bought 7 boxes by ‘tikam’ on Bearbrick Series 15. I’m so damn happy what I’d get. I got Hidden/Secret Cute Baby. It worth of money!


Jordan said...

A so called few things in one blog? haha....i wish i have that afford to write more.....someone and something familiar in the picture........hhmm....

Anonymous said...

hahah u still collect bearbrick 1 ah ? i knew u bcos of bearbrick if not mistaken.

xiao-ahmei said...

Jordan, u knew Anne right? That's y there is familiar face in my photos. She is my ex-collegemate!

Clive, I don't think we got to know each other by Bearbrick. We knew by Doxob,com.


Jordan said...

Anne....hmmm, i think i know her....somewhere....out there....forgot how i know her.....