Saturday, February 16, 2008

Emperor of Heaven

Yesterday was the 9th day of Chinese New Year to offer prayers to the Jade Emperor of Heaven which is important for Hokkiens and Teochews to do some offerings and customary protocol for paying respect during the birthday of the Jade Emperor.

This year I didn't help much as I was very tired once I got back from work. I told mum that I need to take an hour nap before I could help her. I was overslept but mum didn't nagged me but waited till at sharp 12 midnight to start praying.

Justin told me that his grandma's house will perform fireworks which was less than a minute. I didn't know where was his grandma's house was but it was definitely very near to my house to watch it.

Not only his grandma's house, other neighbours did. There wasn't any bang from firecrackers but only huge fireworks...

View from Justin's grandma's house.

View from another neighbourhood.

Lastly, my new gadget, thumb-drive; PenDrive Nano; 2GB; cost me RM70 with PenSkinz. Bought it at DigitalMall during lunchtime. :)

All photos were taken by SE K770i.

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