Therefore it was a very last minutes of the notice, I got to shop for her birthday present. Hardly to think whether what kind of present that she likes. I have typical clueless. Though I knew Marisa since the secondary school but we don't really keep in touch that long until we were exhanging/view each other blogs.
I left the office at around 5.30pm. Reach Mid valley Shopping Mall at nearly 6pm. Helped my colleague to post some mails, withdrawing some cash from postal money and bought alot of stamps . That took me about 15minutes. I headed to Maybank to help my colleague to bank-in more than a dozen of cheques.
After I finished up with the office stuff, I tried to walk around and I came across this shop of La Zenza. I saw pairs of sexy, cute, attractive, comfortable and fashionable nightclothes that would be the best choice as a present for her.
Her size is small, so I asked for a super small size for her. Too bad I didn't take any picture of the nightclothes that I chose. Then I came across this fancy shop where they sell big pin with tangly cute little thingy on. Bought that and I pinned it onto the top of the nightclothes.
Anyway, she likes it very much and she told me its prefectly fit her body. :)
And here are the pictures: