Spontanenously. Quick in act. Unware. Blindly. Got into.
Was too late. Go freely. Might have next victims.
Damn him. Unmoral. Dolt. Curse him for no of his next generation. Burnt in hell. Strike by lightning. Get served punishments by god on what did to me.
Angry. Pathetic. Not safe. Unsecure. Vulnerable.
I'm really hate this kind of incident had happened to me, again. I felt this world seem so small and not safe to be alone. This country isn't safe anymore.
Am I look like an endangered species? Am I susceptible to get the attack?
I've been vulnerable since when I was born and brought up til now. I was trying to be tough on every consequences. I don't know how long I could hang on to.
Every incident made a person grow to be tougher/confidence to learn from it. But how long does it take. There's always a limitation to hang on, just matter of time when it will collapse.
For the ladies/gals out there, becareful. Trust me, you wouldn't want to what I had experienced, its paranoid. Becareful when you walk alone at this place.